IMPACT is a fast growing association that consists of two sports; kickboxing and boxing. During kickboxing you will use your fist, shins, feet and knees to attack whereas with boxing you will use your fists. Both sports are a great workout for your whole body and people of all levels are encouraged to join! Besides the trainings we also have an association where you can join for a small fee of 30,00 per academic year. There will be lots of events, sports related and non-sports related each year to get to know each other outside of the trainings. Besides the events you can always join us at the Sports Centre canteen after trainings for a drink. Be sure to come to our trainings and join the club!


Boxing is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves, throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a boxing ring. The result is decided when an opponent is deemed incapable to continue by a referee, is disqualified for breaking a rule, or resigns by throwing in a towel. If a fight completes all of its allocated rounds, the victor is determined by judges' scorecards at the end of the contest. In the event that both fighters gain equal scores from the judges, professional bouts are considered a draw. In Olympic boxing, because a winner must be declared, judges award the content to one fighter on technical criteria.


Kickboxing is a Japanese hybrid martial art basically comprising of elements of punching and kicking. It was developed by adapting fighting techniques from Karate, Western boxing, and Muay Thai. It originated in 1960s in Japan and gained practitioners in America during the next ten years. American karate practitioners became frustrated with strict controls on martial arts competitions that didn't allow full contact kicks and punches. Many questions were raised when the sport began about the high risk of injury. As a result, safety rules were improved and protective clothing was added. As this is a relatively new sport there are no long-term traditions. The sport has undergone changes and been refined during the last two decades.


Time: 17:30-19:00
Location: Dojo
Type: Members only (Advanced)


Time: 17:00-18:30
Location: Hall 3a
Type: Members only (All levels)

Boxing & Kickboxing

Time: 17:00-18:30
Location: Hall 1
Type: Members only (Advanced)

Time: 20:30-22:00
Location: Studio 1
Type: Open to all Sport Card holders (Beginner)

Boxing & Kickboxing

Time: 20:00-21:30
Location: Studio 1
Type: Members only (All levels)

Time: 21:30-23:00
Location: Studio 1
Type: Open to all Sport Card holders (Beginner)


Time: 19:00-20:30
Location: Dojo
Type: Members only

Intro Classes

Intro class dates for 2024/2025

Q1 (biweekly)


Q3 (monthly)

Q4 (monthly)

Time: 19:00-20:30
Location: Dojo
Type: Open to all Sports Card holders

Join our association


  • Get exclusive discounts on merchandise
  • Never miss out and participate for free in most events
  • Help us organize events
  • Learn about extra trainings
    Be the first one to know when training is cancelled or when an extra training is held.
  • Get a chance to compete
    We also take part in competitions, from friendly ones to more serious ones. Impact may (partly) fund those costs
  • Get a chance to join our board

Want more than just training? Want to compete or socialize? Join IMPACT. For just 30 per academic year you can become a member. Hit the button below and follow the instrctions!
Respecting your environment and the people around you is very important for us and forms the foundation of every sport. We expect that all participants always follow the rules and regulations.

Rules & regulations

    General rules:
  • Keep your toes- and fingernails clean and short.
  • Participation under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.
  • Wear slippers or shoes outside the exercise mat in the dojo.
  • Attend the training clean and fresh.
  • Aggressive behaviour towards trainers or participants will not be tolerated.

  • Before the training starts:
  • Be on time, preferably 5 to 10 minutes before the lesson starts.
  • Wear clean sportswear:
  • - Long sleeve, T-shirt or tanktop
    - Shorts or leggings
    - Indoor sport shoes (for boxing).
  • Sportswear may not contain buttons, metal, zippers or studs.
  • Participants have to take off all jewelry (piercings included) before the training starts.
  • Injuries or (chronic) illnesses like epilepsy or asthma should be mentioned to the trainer beforehand so this can be taken into account during the training.

  • During the training:
  • Listen to the instructions and follow them well.
  • Aggressive behaviour towards trainers or participants will not be tolerated.

  • After the training:
  • Clean sweat stains if you sweat excessively.
  • Clean up before you leave the training area and dressing room.

Although we try to secure that the policies are respected, participation is at your own risk!

Frequently asked questions

Q:   Can I join if I dont have equipment?
A:   Yes, you can still join! We have a limited amount of gloves and shin guards available for newcomers. However, if you train regularly, we strongly recommend buying your own equipment. More info on equipment here

Q:   Can I still join without a Sports Card?
A:   No, a valid sports card is necessary to enter the students sportscentre (SSC) where our training is held. The only time when you can enter without a card is during Open Week.

Q:   Can I join if I have no experience with martial arts?
A:   Yes you can! Our training is geared towards all levels of experience. There are also extra beginner friendly courses called Intro Classes (see Schedule).

Q:   Can I join if I dont have much strength?
A:   Yes you can! Being strong is not a necessity and we also grow this aspect during training.

Q:   Do I have to sign up for training?
A:   No, as a member you can attend training as you please! If you are not a member you are welcome on the open days (see schedule).

Q:   Is a toque necessary for kickboxing?
A:   While its not mandatory we highly recommend it for your own safety. Accidents can always occur, especially during beginner training or sparring.

Q:   What size of gloves do I need?
Answer: Glove size is categorised by oz. (ounces). For an adult the sizing chart ranges from 10 to 16 oz with 2 oz. steps. Use your own weight as a guide when choosing glove size.

Weight in kg Recommended oz.
<55 10
56 - 71 12
72 - 85 14
86> 16